Saturday, December 15, 2007


Since no one is posting, let's post some posts about people who haven't yet looked at this blog, and should.

Saturday, September 28, 1997
Leanna was with Russell yesterday. Evidently when they dropped her off she turned around to wave, tripped on the curb and rolled 3 times.

Saturday, October 25, 1997
Brian - suave as ever - decided to play "baby i love you but i just can't smile' with me and got down on the floor and took my hand and put his hand on my cheek. I jumped back, smiled and said i lost. And then went to talk to CJ and Niki.

And now for some random one liner memories:

"The girl next to me in A Capella is really big and I don't like it cause its squishy."

"Landon made me a clever ring in auto and Tyler borrowed my tape with 'Brand New Key'"

"Chris Crosby wrote Krista poems"

"Camille stuck a post it note on Nick Orme to ask him to Decade"

"I got the Get Him System book today"

"Right before we went bowling I went over to take a picture of Leanna and the fam with pencils stuck up their noses."

"I was really happy and excited cause it smelled like last year."

"I sat in between CJ and JT to keep them from fighting"

Thursday, December 13, 2007

More contributions please

Hi friends. Post some posts. We need some more perspectives please. This is quite a self indulgent blog right now.

Saturday, September 20, 1997 - Homecoming
We stopped in Lindon to make reservations at Los Hermanos. Sarah decided to drive, and popped the hood for Landon to look. He closed it, but apparently not all the way, because after, on our way home the hood suddenly blew up. It was SO funny. Sarah and I laughed so hard.

Ben said he didn't really like Sarah, he just needed community service hours, and it was funny.

I ate tons of chips at the restaurant. I got an enchilada with rice and beans. yum. don't worry that i was done - completely done, like lick-the-platter-clean done - before anyone else was even close to half way done. i have no idea how i ate so fast. apparently i was a little hungry. i also got a YUM strawberry banana colada and drank every last swallow, including the whipped cream. JT tried to drink his drink with the wrapper on the straw, i dripped on me and tore my nylons with my bracelet. We had to stop at the ATM for Tyler to get money for the dance and he, not a problem, fell out of the car head first. wonderful.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Macaroni, Pigs Feet, and DUIs

Tuesday, August 12
Jennifer, Niki, and Leanna came over. Than Landon and JT did. We went and picked up CJ and drove around. We went to Canyon Glen for no particular reason and on the way back down Landon decided he didn't want to drive so Leanna did...slight problem - she couldn't. It was dark, we were coming down the canyon, she didn't have her glasses on, and the steering was loose. Plus she's already bad. Well, a police man tried to pass her, she accidently swerved and he pulled us over for drunk driving! FUNNY! It was so funny I about died! Well, then we got slurpees and went home after taking a couple detours to follow random people cause "it was funny".

Friday, September 5
Landon (actually Rachel, Niki and Ginny) asked me to homecoming with a sign (that Rachel wrote) saying "I'd kiss the ground youwalk on if you went to homecoming with me" and then they put hugs, kisses and almond kisses on my bed and floor. There also was macaroni noddles for no apparent reason. I found out later it was because Niki, Rachel and JT wanted to say "if you macaronied to homecoming with me". Fool people. :)

Tuesday, September 9
Brian took us home yesterday and when Leanna got out of the car he said that Leanna sure was "blossuming" lately.

We (actually Rachel and Maile, i gave them the responsibility) answered Landon with foulness pigs feet and stuck it in nylon's with ice and a paper that said yes and something about not getting cold feet. FOOL! Embarrasing. Maile took it to the door while Rachel and I hid. It was dripping and foul! It was a PROBLEM!

On the Taco Bell foot

Ok guys, i thought i'd get us started with a few posts from the summer before our senior year. The bottom post is the best. I must admit I did edit a few details about who I had crushes on, who Leanna had crushes on, who JT had crushes on, and other things of this nature. i also omitted a few insults that were made in good fun, but could be taken more harshly than they were meant. :) How honest do we want to be in these? I am fine with the brutal truth. Its been 10 years. At this point its just pure comedy to me. Please make comments on the desired honesty level, vote below in the pole, and post away!

Thursday, July 31, 1997
Me and Leanna went bowling with Tyler, Ben, JT, Landon, Spencer and Noah. Problems. JT hit my ball and messed me up. It made me so mad and i don't know why. I seriously almost punched him.

Monday, Aug 4, 1997
I ran errands with Leanna. We bought a green shirt for her to match her toenails, rented "Noises Off" and bought donuts.....Then we went to Youngs but didn't knock.

Friday, Aug 8, 1997
JT, Tyler, Landon, Ben and Niki came over. At 11:00 we left and went to - shocker - Taco Bell. 3 guys with a large bag of popcorn came and hit on Tyler. Don't worry. The whole night was a FOOL time and it was really funny.

Saturday, Aug 9, 2007
I went down and talked to Leanna at the Hamburger stand and who should come in, but Tyler, Landon, and JT. Fools. I like them. They wanted us to go to Deer Creek with them. Leanna had to stay and close so it ended up being me and the boys. Funny. Landon's Dad drove the boat. They water skied and tubed. Then Ben, Sarah, and Leanna came up when we got out of the water. Oh yeah, Leanna gave JT her employee pass as assurance that she would come - guess who lost it? Yup that would be JT. It started sprinkling again. JT, Tyler, Landon, Ben and Sarah put on FUN CDs and opened Tyler's car doors and had a dance. Leanna and I sat in the car in a pile of blankets and talked while everyone flirted with Leanna and told her to get out of the car. We got out for a "bonding moment" during a slow song when we all held hands and swayed back and then got back in the car. it was fool. we rode back in Landon's car, with the blankets, sleeping. At a stop light JT got out of his car, danced around and lifted up his shirt showing off those rippling chest muscles of his. We once again ended up at Taco bell. As we were leaving some PSYCHO guys asked if Tyler and the other guys were gay. Tyler flipped them off. Then a FOUL mexican guy came out and mooned us. ROTTEN! THROW UP, SICK! We went home then.

Welcome to Fun Chappies

This will be a blog consisting of little known, or at least little remembered, facts. The first relatively little known fact is that Niki, Leanna and I kept EXTENSIVE journals about all of our (and your) interactions in high school and would often have what referred to as a "night of fun chappies". A night of Fun Chappies entailed the often embarrassing and always hilarious reading of each others journals.

In honor of our high school cleverness, let's all have a fun chappie time through this blog. Many of you may not have journals, but hopefully you at least have good memories. I invite all of you to post to this blog as authors or in the form of comments (original posts are better though, that way that can be more readily viewed).

And PS, by reading this blog, you agree to release any humiliating memories, hard feelings, or what not to the public. With that in mind, post away!
